Built for all your customers, yourself included.
No need to sacrifice your sanity for your software. Get an ideal customer experience for everyone.

Built for admin
Answers 1-click away
Imagine onboarding your team in a day, insightful reports only seconds away, and a simple system that will do what you say. You can stop imagining and we’ll stop rhyming.
Selecting a foundational software for your staff is not an easy task; you may still have PTSD from the last software switch. Find your sanity in a software that has skin in the game.
- Control products, pricing, timing, messaging, & more.
- Own your revenue, don’t wait for it
- Upsell, cross-sell and sell in more places
- Erase exorbitant hardware costs
Built for staff
Power tools for your power users
Cutting their software clicks in half or completely freeing them altogether, our tools were cut and polished in the hands of attraction operators. Instead of training your seasonal staff how to defuse a bomb in the backroom computer, they can interact with guests and operate from their smartphone.
Staff can maximize throughput and prioritize experience when their eyes are on the customer, not software.
Built for customers
Frictionless, functional, and family-friendly
Mandatory processes like check-ins, waivers, or ticketing can quickly turn in to a customer roadblock.
- long lines
- mountains of forms
- a neon wristband glued to their arm hair
Customers can float through your booking, check-in, waiver, and other processes without ever feeling like they are navigating a software.